Soccer Spectrum Field Rental for RSC Teams (Only)

Owner: Andrea Fink


Tools Needed:  A DaySmart Account (use link below)


Estimated Time:  5 minutes



Availability of fields will show from 72 hours to 2 weeks in advance.


Video (if needed): 



  1. Login to
  2. Select Rentals from the left navigation  

  1. Enter search criteria for field and date availability

  1. Select Search
  2. A list of available fields will display.  Select View More for detailed time and date availability.

  1. Select a date/time to book the available timeslot

  1. Select the cart in the top right corner to checkout

  1. Enter the following codes to receive a discount:
    • Indoor Rentals are $75 an hour.
      • Indoor Code is: IndoorRSC
    • Outdoor Rentals are $75 an hour for ½ the field (1A or 1B will show on the booking calendar)
      • Outdoor Code is: OutdoorRSC

  1. Select Apply
  2. The discount will apply for 50%.

  1. Scroll down and enter your payment information. 
  2. Select Checkout to complete your booking.

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