How to complete SafeSport Certification in GotSport
(Admin, Staff, Coaches, Manages, and Volunteers)
*All background checks and SafeSport certifications expire every year on May 31st*
Example: Soccer Year 2023/2024 will require certificates submitted to be dated after May 31,
Log in to GotSport ON DESKTOP/LAPTOP OR TABLET ONLY with your personal profile log in. Do not use a spouse’s or a child’s.
1. Log into your GotSport account at
2. Click on the person icon in the top right
3. Click on Profile
4. You will automatically be on the Dashboard tab. The Dashboard tab should also be accessible in the top left corner after you log in.
5. If you do not see any organizations listed on the dashboard tab, contact Renegades to have them add you to their organization.
6. For SafeSport, click on the DETAILS button on the right
7. Click on START COURSE – you will need to either log in or create your account
If you're creating an account, complete information on “Sign Up” page and if prompted, log in to the new account you just created. Use the same email to set up your account that you use for GotSport and your LEGAL first and last name.
Click on “Menu” (3 line icon in top right) and select “Catalog”
Click the Start button for “SafeSport Trained – U.S. Soccer Federation” to complete
the initial course. You only need to do the initial course, not the refreshers, if this is your
first time doing SafeSport. Do not complete any refreshers so you have them available for following year requirements.
Complete the next available refresher course. If you already did Refresher 3, then you will be starting over again at the initial course as required by SafeSport.
Complete via a laptop or desktop computer so you have the option to stop at any time and pause the course if needed.
If you do need to stop/pause, just log back in using the log in instructions above or you can go directly to the SafeSport website at: - Find the course you were working on and continue to complete.
1. Once you have completed your course, Select the “Menu” icon at the top right of your page
2. Select “Transcript”
3. Once the Transcript page displays, locate the most current completion for the
course under the “Certificates” section.
4. Download the certificate by selecting the “Download” button at the right of
the completed course.
5. Open the Downloaded PDF certificate
If you have already completed a course and just need to upload your certificate # into GotSport, you can find your completed certificate under the Menu button (top right corner) then click on Transcript. You will see your certificates available to download there. Once downloaded, you can copy & paste the certificate number into GotSport as needed.
Log in to your personal GotSport account
Go to Profile, then Dashboard then click Details link for SafeSport
Paste the long alpha/numeric sequence that you just copied from the PDF certificate into the CHECK RECORDS section. This should immediately approve the completed course and then show the SafeSport requirement under your Dashboard as FULFILLED for the current SafeSport year.
***If you are fulfilling the SafeSport certification for both USYS and US Club, just follow the above instructions for both required sections under your Dashboard / Requirements***
For a SafeSport certificate to be valid, it must be dated AFTER May 31st for the current soccer
year. So please do not do your course until June 1st for the upcoming soccer year.
If you are not linked to Renegades yet as a coach/manager/volunteer, but want to go ahead and do your course, you may do so by going directly to
If you have completed SafeSport or a refresher for the current soccer year and it still
shows Required or Incomplete in GotSport then please upload your most recent
completed certificate to your GotSport profile. Instructions were provided above.
SafeSport Technical Difficulties
Any technical issue on the SafeSport website (not GotSport), you will direct it to the
SafeSport help portal found on their website main page or follow this link: