Renegades Soccer Club Player Travel Policy

Responsible Party acknowledges and agrees:

As a Responsible Party accompanying their Player on out-of-town tournaments, you agree to act in a respectable manner as you are a direct representation of the Renegades Soccer Club. We ask that you abide by the parent code of conduct outlined above.

As a Responsible Party who chooses not to travel, you must designate an adult on the trip to chaperone your Player. You must seek permission from an appropriate chaperone as well as inform the manager at least 24 hours before the trip of who will serve as a chaperone for your Player.

There may be additional travel policies that are implemented by the coach and/or manager. These policies must be approved by either the Renegades Soccer Club Administration or the Director of Coaching. Should these policies have proper approval, they must be followed by all Responsible Parties and/or designated adult chaperones.


Responsible Party and Player acknowledge and agree:

The following conduct is required of all Players while traveling when representing the Renegades Soccer Club:

  • There will be no consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.

  • No Player will have possession of, or be under the influence of, any drug, narcotic, or

    controlled substance that has not been legally prescribed to that Player.

  • Players will obey team curfews set by their coach.

  • Where tournaments consist of both male and female teams, casual association during

    free time will be allowed in public areas; absolutely no Player will enter the rooms of

    Players of the opposite sex.

  • Gatherings amongst Players should take place in approved hotel areas. Approved areas

    are game rooms, pool areas, exercise rooms, lobbies, and restaurants. Roaming in elevators and hallways is not acceptable. Further, running and playing soccer in hotel areas is prohibited.

  • Males, whether fathers, brothers, or friends, are strictly PROHIBITED from entering any designated team rooms of female Players unless accompanied by a female adult.

  • A Player whose Responsible Party is not on the trip or at the hotel must have a designated adult present to report to; the Player must always keep this adult informed of his or her whereabouts.

Coaches will be free to add to any of the rules outlined above. Any additional policies that the coach feels are appropriate must be adhered to.

This Travel Policy is in place to ensure the safety of our kids. Yet, we realize that the ultimate responsibility for a Player’s conduct lies with that individual Player and their Responsible Party and/or family. Violation of this Travel Policy or any of the rules outlined above will result in discipline by the Player’s coach. Potential reprimands include but are not limited to benching and/or suspension from the team or tournament.

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